Fab City
Pop-up Circular Hub
Pop-Up Circular Hub im Jupiter Campus

Pop-up Circular Hub

The platform for urban production and circular economy With exhibition, events, workshops and educational programs as part of the Jupiter Campus.

Exhibition, events, workshops and educational offers as part of the Jupiter BNE Campus

The exhibition, together with the parallel events, is a place for information about and networking between circular economy players in Hamburg. The exhibition will give you an overview of what the circular economy means and you can discover what is happening in Hamburg to establish a circular economy using examples, research approaches and projects. The exhibition also invites you to contribute your own ideas and questions!

Some of the many challenges addressed in the exhibition:

  • We live in a throwaway society and waste too many resources!

  • How can we improve this economically and individually?

  • Long transportation routes have a high CO2 footprint and pose increasingly higher risks for the economy and the environment. How and what can we produce locally?

  • Products are (usually) designed in such a way that they end up as waste. Can we avoid this through circular design?

  • Companies contribute significantly to environmental problems. How can circular economy strategies help them to operate more sustainably?

Through various formats - from panel discussions and workshops to specialist lectures - the different approaches and questions will be addressed by experts and discussed with the participants.

The timing is good, as Hamburg has been selected as a model city in the “Circular City - Opportunities for Resilience and Value Creation” project by the German Institute of Urban Affairs. The aim is to develop a model city-wide circular economy strategy and an action plan related to economic development by the beginning of 2025. So a lot is happening in our city when it comes to the circular economy!


20.11. - 11:00 - 20:30 - Opening

Opening: Part 1 The pop-up Circular Hub will be opened by Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment. The long-awaited study “Hamburg’s Potentials for Circular Economy in a Green Economy” will be presented, as well as Hamburg’s participation in the project “Circular City - Opportunities for Resilience and Value Creation” by the German Institute of Urban Affairs.

In a subsequent discussion round, representatives from business, administration and science will comment on the state of the circular economy in Hamburg.

Opening: Part 2 The afternoon will be devoted entirely to science and research: the latest research findings will be presented.

And at the end, everyone is cordially invited to discuss what they have heard over drinks.

Please register by e-mail to claudia.eggert-koester [at] bukea.hamburg.de

Opening program Pop-up Circular Hub
22.+23.+28.11 + 06.12 - 10:00 - 18:00 - Open Microfactory Production Days

At the “Open Microfactory Production Days ”, we want to show live what real production in the Microfactory in the Pop-Up Circular Hub (PUCH) at JUPITER CAMPUS. For this purpose selected open-source hardware (OSH) designs with the available machines and materials on site and manufactured on site and assembled into a finished product in small quantities. Employees of the New Production Institute will carry out the production days. All people are invited to come along and watch the local production.

We want to produce on the following days

  • Wednesday, 22.11.2023, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, 23.11.2023, 10 am - 6 pm
  • Tuesday, 28.11.2023, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday, 06.12.2023, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Keine Anmeldung, einfach vorbeikommen

22.11 - 15:00 - 17:00 - Introducing the Circular Design Starter Kit

Nicole Kiersz & Sarah Prien from House of All present the Design Starter Kit, the analog material archive created during the research in the dtec.bw project “Fab City”. Everyone is invited to drop by and find out about the possibilities of circular textiles.

Open workshop, just come along and join in!

24.11. - 18:30 - 21:30 - Circular Hub Nord

The Circular Hub North is once again meeting physically! In a relaxed after-work atmosphere, this time we are focusing on the topic of financing and promoting circular business models and innovations.

In informative presentations, we will explore the funding opportunities at EU, federal and state level. We will report on financing from a banking perspective and interactively discuss the needs and challenges of current financing and funding models. The event is primarily aimed at start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. However, interested people from other organizational forms are of course also welcome!

**Please register via the following link **

Programm Circular Hub Nord
27.11. - 18:00 - 21:00 - Circular Economy Office

Circular Economy Office: The future of recyclable office furniture - presentation and discussion on the status quo // Interreg North Sea Program

In the office furniture sector, many resources are still wasted and new office furniture is usually not designed for re-use, repair, refurbishment or recycling. At the same time, the way we work is changing rapidly and constantly. The Circular Economy Office (CEO) research project, which aims to transform the office furniture sector towards circularity, has emerged from this complex of issues.

Come along on November 27, get to know the project and discuss with us the status quo and how we can push the office furniture sector towards more circularity.

We look forward to seeing you!

Please register by e-mail to britta.peters [ät] hiicce.hamburg

30.11. - 11:00 - 13:00 - BIN2BEAN

Stadtreinigung Hamburg and HiiCCE are part of the Bin2Bean research project, which is funded by the European Commission. The project is testing innovations for soil improvement using compost produced from organic waste. Part of the project is a real-life laboratory in Hamburg, where solutions are tested to improve the quality of Hamburg’s organic waste, which will be launched on November 30.

Come along, get to know the project and discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding biowaste with us and stakeholders from science, civil society, industry and administration.

We look forward to seeing you!

Please register by e-mail to kundenbetreuung [ät] stadtreinigung.hamburg

30.11.+03.12.+04.12.+05.12 - Hello, 3D Printer! (Intro-Workshop in 3D-Printing)

Hello, 3D Printer! During this 2-hour workshop we invite you to design and manufacture your very own first 3D printed souvenir to take home with you. You will learn foundations of 3D CAD (computer aided design) modeling, toolpath generation and fabrication. Through this hands-on experience you will understand foundational concepts behind this revolutionary technology and know how to apply it to solve your own challenges.

Come on your own or bring your kids and friends. The more - the merrier!

Dates (each around 2 hours),

  • Thursday, 30.11. 10:00 am & 2:00 pm
  • Sunday, 03.12. 10:00 am & 2:00 pm
  • Monday, 04.12. 10:00 a.m.
  • Tueday, 05.12. 10:00 am & 2:00 pm
30.11. - 18:00 - 21:00 - Maker Slam

Fab City Hamburg is organizing a “Maker Slam” in cooperation with the HoFaLab. Makers from Hamburg present their ideas, projects and hacks in short and snappy presentations. Previous topics include robotics, synthesizer construction, jewelry design and the programming language “Piet”. Would you like to take part in the slam? Please get in touch with jenny [at] fabcity.hamburg!

We look forward to seeing you and many guests and spectators!

Please register by e-mail to jenny [at] fabcity.hamburg.

01.+ 02.12. - 10:00 - 18:00 - Open Lab Starter Kit (OLSK) Build Workshop

The Open Lab Starter Kit (OLSK) Build Workshop is designed as a learning experience for participants to learn more about open source machines and local production. During the workshop, participants will build a 3D printer from a pre-built kit together with experienced tutors.

By building the 3D printer, participants will be able to understand how it works, how it is made and therefore how it can be repaired, thereby learning about the possibilities of open source hardware.

The aim of the workshop is to build a working 3D printer and train the participants in the process.

The workshop will be held in English!

Open workshop, just come along and join in!

04.12. - 18:30 - 21:00 - Fab City Intro

The “Fab City Intro” introduces interested parties to the concepts of Fab Labs and the global Fab City network and is the tried-and-tested format for anyone looking for information or initial access to the maker community in Hamburg. Fab Labs are open workshops that provide access to tools for digital fabrication and are meeting places for the community. Participants of the event will learn how to use a Fab Lab to develop, repair and reuse artifacts and products as well as to develop (design) concepts that contribute to the circular economy.

Please register by email to jenny [ät] fabcity.hamburg

05.12. - 13:00 - 15:00 - MoloHubs: Waste collection at mobility sites

MoloHubs: Waste collection at mobility hubs - Round Table // Interreg North Sea Program Stadtreinigung Hamburg and HiiCCE are part of the MoloHubs research project, which is funded by the European Commission. In the project, we want to create and test synergies between shared mobility hubs and waste collection. Cabinet collection systems for special waste fractions are intended to give citizens the opportunity to combine routes and dispose of their waste at the same time as using shared mobility services. The aim is to close the gap between waste collection at the door and the collection of recyclables at recycling centers.

Come along on December 5, get to know the project and discuss the status quo and our plans with us and stakeholders. We will also be launching the Hamburg Reallabor.

We look forward to seeing you!

Please register by e-mail to britta.peters [ät] hiicce.hamburg.

05.12. - 18:30 - 21:00 - Moin & Machen | Circular Economy

If you want to found and manage sustainable companies and start-ups, you can’t avoid looking at circular business models as well as social entrepreneurship. At Moin & Machen, we introduce you to exciting Hamburg entrepreneurs who have already done it and are driving forward the circular transformation of the economy.

Moin & Machen is an event format launched by Changestarters Hamburg. This time we are cooperating with Fab City Hamburg and BUKEA (Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture), who will be hosting the Pop-Up Circular Hub together with other players.

Please register by e-mail to jenny [ät] fabcity.hamburg.

07.12. - 14:00 - 21:00 - Pop-Up Circular Hub Wrap-Up & Visions

The “Circular Hub Pop Up” will conclude on December 7 at 2 p.m. with interesting guests who will review the past three weeks and ask themselves the question: How can the circular economy be expanded in Hamburg?

Please register by email to claudia.eggert-koester [at] bukea.hamburg.de

Project partners

The “Pop-Up Circular Hub” is an exhibition and series of events organized by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture, the Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy GmbH, Fab City Hamburg and the New Production Institute and curated by Wolf Kühr.

Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture (BUKEA), Amt E

BUKEA’s Amt E deals with the core areas of energy, climate protection and sustainability. This includes activities relating to the circular economy. In particular, its tasks include supporting an energy- and resource-efficient economy, for example through the UmweltPartnerschaft Hamburg corporate network, financing a free initial consultation by ZEWUmobil and the HK environmental consultants as well as the PROFI Umwelt (Transfer) funding program.

Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy GmbH

The HiiCCE Institute is a research institute affiliated with the Hamburg University of Technology and is also a subsidiary of Stadtreinigung Hamburg. The institute develops holistic solutions for the global challenges of climate protection and the circular and resource economy and conducts research into various areas of the circular economy.

Fab City Hamburg e. V.

In June 2019, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg became the first German city to join the global Fab Cities Alliance. It has thus taken on the challenge of converting the urban economy to a comprehensive, digitally supported circular economy: Hamburg will then be able to produce (almost) everything that is consumed in the city itself. Fab City Hamburg e.V. was founded in 2020 to institutionalize the Fab City in Hamburg. It is funded by the Ministry of Economics and Innovation. The association publicizes the idea of the Fab City, supports its development and documents its progress.

New Production Institute

The New Production Institute emerged from the interdisciplinary research group Value Creation Systems of the Laboratory of Production Engineering at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. As a think tank for the future of value creation and production, the experts at the New Production Institute are involved in various projects dealing with the transformation of value creation systems against the backdrop of new possibilities for networking and production in times of digital transformation. The focus is particularly on the operationalization of openness in new modes of value creation (open innovation, open design, open production and open source).

Further links

Jupiter Campus - Education for sustainable development with Hamburg universities

Program Jupiter Frei_Fläche
Fab City HamburgHiiCCEBehörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und AgrarwirtschaftNew Production Institute
Jennifer Wilke