Fab City
Open Production
a new model of value creation

Open Production

What is a microfactory? What is the OpenLab Starter Kit and how can it support decentralized manufacturing and promote local value creation? All this is explained in the following video.

Open production (or open manufacturing) is a new approach - a distributed, cosmolocal form of production in which physical objects are produced in an open, collaborative way based on open design and open source principles. It is more about peer production, collaboration, empowerment and participation of all citizens in global and local value creation.

In the following video, our research team gives insights into the world of open-source hardware machine tools and explains how its full documentation empowers users to replicate machines worldwide, fostering a future of decentralized manufacturing and innovation globally.

A special focus is on how microfactories promote decentralized manufacturing and local value creation and how exactly the OpenLab Starter Kit can contribute to this.

The video was created together with our research partners INMACHINES, the New Production Institute at HSU, and Wolke7.tv (video production), September 2023.

Follow us

More about the research of the New Production Institute and the OpenLab Starter Kit can be found here.

Instagram: @openlab_hamburg LinkedIn: New Production Institute

Jacqueline Bertlich