Fab City
Cultural self-determination in connection with climate protection
KEBAP is a new member of the Fab City Hamburg association

Cultural self-determination in connection with climate protection

The KulturEnergieBunker Altona (KEBAP) project is a living neighborhood development "from below". Since 2011, citizens have been involved in the transformation of Hamburg's third-largest high-rise bunker into a sustainable energy center and a place for lively and multi-layered district culture. Now KEPAB e.V. has become a member of the Fab City Association, which we are very pleased about.

Energy supports culture: The unique structural connection is also expressed in the future operator model in the sense of the common good economy. The income from energy production enables affordable spaces for art and culture, learning and development, but also spaces for Urban Ecology and participation in Solidarity & Regional Food.

On the 769 sqm bunker roof, a metropolitan garden is to be created that combines several concerns. Meeting spaces for people in the neighborhood and habitats for different plants coexist. Priority is given to the approach of a “kitchen garden for all” and the interlocking with other activities in the KulturenergieBunker. Thus, the vegetables from the kitchen garden will serve as an example of local nutrition models in the bunker community kitchen.

Visit the bunker and learn more on the website.

Jennifer Wilke