Fab City
The bergisch.circular project
Enabling circular action at the municipal level

The bergisch.circular project

The bergisch.circular project is dedicated to the question of how circular economy can be implemented at the municipal level, particularly in the cities of Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid in the Bergisches Städtedreieck. The aim of the project is to develop ideas and structures that will enable these municipalities to integrate the concept of the circular economy into their administrative processes and actively promote it. In July 2023, the project visited the Fab City Hamburg Association at Fab City Haus!

The main objective of bergisch.circular is to develop concrete measures to advance the implementation of the Circular Economy in the aforementioned cities. To this end, innovative concepts are being developed and evaluated to ensure the efficient and sustainable use of resources. The project aims to find practical approaches that will strengthen the region’s economy and environment in the long term.

Key topics of the project work

The work of bergisch.circular focuses on three central priority areas that have a direct impact on the municipalities:

  1. Circular construction

In the field of circular construction, innovative building projects and methods are being researched that are geared toward sustainability and resource efficiency. The aim is to optimize construction processes, minimize waste and extend the service life of buildings.

  1. Public procurement

Public procurement plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable products and services. bergisch.circular aims to develop guidelines and strategies for the procurement of products that comply with the principles of the Circular Economy. In this way, municipalities can exert a positive influence on the market and promote sustainable business practices.

  1. Waste prevention

The reduction of waste and the efficient recycling of resources are central aspects of the Circular Economy. Within the framework of the project, measures are being developed to reduce waste volumes, promote recycling and support the reuse of materials.

bergisch.circular aims to develop, test and optimize concrete solutions in these three areas in order to contribute to the implementation of the Circular Economy at the municipal level. By steering administrative processes and economic activities towards sustainability, the project aims to bring about long-term positive change for the Bergisch region.

Bringing about change together: networked action for the future

bergisch.circular embodies a pioneering project that goes beyond municipal boundaries and focuses on cooperative measures to shape a sustainable future. The consortium is made up of the cities of Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen in the Bergisch city triangle. They are supported by municipal subsidiaries and renowned research institutions. The initiative also integrates observer municipalities and a wide range of partners from business and politics. Special emphasis is placed on an interdisciplinary exchange of experience that transcends regional boundaries. The common goal of bergisch.circular is to establish the principles of the Circular Economy across the board, taking into account both regional and supraregional requirements.

Exchange and cooperations planned

The visit of bergisch.circular was very enriching for us and we are looking forward to stay in contact.

A detailed summary of the visit can be read on the project’s blog!

Jennifer Wilke