Produce locally, network globally
A city can produce (almost) everything it consumes itself: That is the vision of a “Fabrication City”, or Fab City for short! This can be achieved with a consistent circular economy, new production processes from openly accessible machines, a new digital infrastructure for the city and comprehensive participation by the city’s inhabitants. In 2019, Hamburg became the first German city to decide to become a Fab City - together with 52 other cities, regions and countries worldwide, such as Boston, Augsburg, Barcelona, Paris and Bhutan.
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Fab City Hamburg
In order to institutionalize Fab City in Hamburg, Fab City Hamburg e.V. was founded in 2020 and its network was established. Its members, partners and supporters are various organizations such as startups, craft businesses, educational and research institutions and sustainability projects, as well as the city’s Fab Labs and open workshops in particular - in short, all those who believe in the Fab City of tomorrow and want to make a difference with their work. Everyone:r can become part of it. On these pages you can find out which projects and offers are available, how you can get involved and what else you need to know. Let’s go to the Fab City!