As part of the research project Fab City, the Open Lab Starter Kit is being jointly developed by the research partners InMachines Ingrassia GmbH and Laboratorium Fertigungstechnik of Helmut Schmidt University.
A set of eight fully documented open-source machines until 2024
The OpenLab Starter Kit is a set of eight open-source machines whose build instructions are to be made available via a digital, open-source repository. The eight machines were selected based on criteria of mutual compatibility and meaningful interaction and provide the foundation of a functional laboratory with digital manufacturing machines. The special thing about the Open Lab Starter Kit is the low costs that have to be spent to reproduce the open-source machines. In concrete terms, only material costs are incurred. In contrast to commercial machines, transport and possibly import costs are saved. In the present project, the complete documentation of the required materials, CAD models and easy-to-understand building instructions are to be made available online free of charge. Anyone can therefore build and use the machines themselves. In addition, everyone can adapt the machines to their own needs, develop them further or modify them. This gives the users valuable knowledge of the machines, enabling them to carry out maintenance and repair work mostly on their own. The aim of the project is thus to make high-quality machine tools accessible to a broad public - this is an important contribution to democratizing access to machines and to entrepreneurial innovation.
** By December 2024, the following machines will be included into the Starter Kit **
Desktop 3D printer (min. 20 x 20 x 25 cm – max. 40 x 40x40 cm)
Desktop CNC milling machine (max. 600x400x100 mm)
Desktop Laser cutter (600 x 400 mm)
Large 3D printer (1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm)
Large CNC milling machine (2500 x 1250 x 300 mm)
Large Laser cutter (1000 x 700 mm)
Vinyl cutting plotter (A3 Format)
3D scanner
On March 23, the team of InMachines Ingrassia GmbH presented together with its partner of the New Production Institute the first complete set of digital and fully documented fabrication machines. More can be read here.
Research project Fab City