Countless brilliant ideas in people's heads are just waiting to be implemented. Unfortunately, they often fail because people don't know how and, above all, where they can realize them. We want to change that with this idea competition! Show the community your ideas and develop them together with us to prototype or even small series.
Your idea. Our Labs. Together to the prototype.
With the Maker Challenge, we want to challenge and promote the creativity and innovative power of the citizens of the city and metropolitan region of Hamburg and thus fill the Fab City Hamburg with life.
One Challenge – three phases:
Phase 1
Submission of ideas (12.04.2022 - 31.05.2022)
Phase 2
Voting by the community & expert jury with final award ceremony (03.06/2022 – 17.06.2022)
Phase 3
Production of prototypes, closing with with an exhibition at the future of making Conference + Expo in March 2023 #tfom23 (10/2022 – 03/2023)
Impressions of the award ceremony 17.06.2022
At a festive closing event, Senator for Economic Affairs Michael Westhagemann awarded prizes to the best ideas of the Fab City Hamburg Maker Challenge. A total of 95 ideas were submitted to the Maker Challenge ideas competition launched by the Fab City initiative. The product ideas had to be innovative, sustainable, have added social value and be producible in a Fab Lab in Hamburg. The variety of ideas submitted was great: from bend lighting for bicycles and smart trash cans to a wheelchair that can climb stairs. After the end of the public voting phase, in which almost 30,000 votes were cast, and the jury’s decision, the best 20 ideas were awarded prizes. In fall 2022, during the so-called prototyping phase, these ideas have been further developed into physical prototypes in the city’s Fab Labs with the support of experts.
In addition, special prizes were awarded in the areas of #social, #sustainable and #innovative, as well as the “best student project” and the “best collaborator”.
Over 100 people attended the Maker Challenge award event at the INTERFACER | Meet Up. We are especially pleased that almost all award winners were able to arrange their participation in order to receive their certificates, trophies, “Maker Bags” and 3D printers in person.
Detailed results of the community and jury voting can be found on the Maker Challenge page under the tab “Results”:
MAKER CHALLENGE ErgebnisseIn spring 2023, the winning ideas were presented to the Hamburg public at the future of making Conference + Expo 2023. Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t miss any dates.