

An important task of fab labs and makerspaces is STEM education and the strengthening of digital skills for all age groups. They enable contemporary and practical education. Fab City also supports this valuable work in light of the shortage of skilled labour and will continue to expand it in the future together with our network and community. The opportunities on offer are already varied and colourful! We present a selection of the programmes below.

Project Overview Education

MiSHN Maker Education Worldwide Build Workshops Make Your School OpenLab Mobile

STEM Education for the 21st Century

STEM education stands for education in the fields of maths, computer science, natural sciences and technology. It aims to equip pupils and students with skills and knowledge in these key areas to prepare them for a variety of careers and challenges in a technology-driven world. STEM education promotes analytical thinking, problem-solving skills and creativity and is therefore of crucial importance for personal development as well as for the economic and technological development of a society.

Fab Labs and Fab Cities play a crucial role in supporting STEM education for a multitude of reasons:


Fab Labs provide an open and accessible environment, offering access to tools, machines and knowledge to people of all ages and backgrounds. This creates an opportunity for people who may not have received a traditional education in STEM subjects to gain practical experience and further develop their abilities.

Practical Experience

In Fab Labs, pupils and students can put theoretical knowledge into practice by experimenting with technologies such as 3D printers, laser cutters, electronics and programming. This promotes a deeper understanding of STEM principles and allows learners to express their creativity and implement their own projects.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Fab Labs promote collaboration and knowledge sharing between people with different expertise and backgrounds. This reflects the reality that many technological and scientific challenges require an interdisciplinary approach. By working together in Fab Labs, learners can get to know different perspectives and learn from each other.

Promotion of Innovation

Fab Labs serve as breeding grounds for innovation, where people can develop, prototype and test new ideas. This encourages entrepreneurial thinking and the creation of new products, services and business models, which in turn contributes to economic development.

Overall, Fab Labs and Fab Cities are important components of a holistic STEM education strategy as they promote hands-on experiences, collaboration and innovation, helping to inspire and support the next generation of STEM professionals and innovators.

Education for a Sustainable Development and Lifelong Learning

ESD, Education for Sustainable Development, is a central approach that aims to empower people worldwide to live with dignity and to develop their needs and talents within planetary boundaries. This transformative education requires not only knowledge and technologies, but also strong institutions, participatory decision-making processes and new patterns of behaviour.

A key element of ESD is to empower people to think and act in a sustainable way. This is done by encouraging them to understand the long-term effects of their actions and to make responsible decisions. This includes issues such as the impact of their own consumption, their choice of means of transport or energy consumption on the environment and future generations. It is also about understanding the global mechanisms that lead to conflict, poverty and displacement, and recognising opportunities to counteract these challenges.

ESD enables all people to recognise the connection between their actions and global challenges and to actively contribute to a more sustainable and fairer world.

Today’s Makers Become Tomorrow’s Professionals

Fab Labs offer an approach to STEM education that is low pressure and tailored to individual needs. Together with our members and partner organisations, we support young people in finding a career and gaining qualifications through Fab Labs.

As professional requirements and personal interests often change, we demonstrate and support best practices in Fab Labs in the field of lifelong learning.

Courses and Workshops

The Hamburg Fab Labs offer courses on topics such as 3D modelling, 3D printing, laser cutting, electronics development, computer-controlled knitting and much more.

Check out the Fab Labs, Maker Spaces and open workshops in our network:

More Educational Projects in Hamburg (Web Pages in German)

Did You Know …?

Project “Makerhubs”

The City of Hamburg is supporting the establishment of “maker hubs” at eleven schools in Hamburg.

Contact Person for Education at Fab City

Axel Sylvester

Axel Sylvester

Managing Director

Fab City Hamburg e.V.